
Today has been a difficult day in the UK. A General Election result that seems unfathomable to so many of us, yet here we are. It would be so easy to get depressed about it, but I’m trying to take a different tack. It’s been a really tough few weeks for me, a lot of…

New Year’s Resolutions

Fear not, it’s not quite January! However, tomorrow I’ll have completed another trip around the sun, so now is as good a time as any to set some new year’s resolutions. I’m not one for setting goals on 1st Jan anymore, mostly because it’s bollocks and I’ve never managed to achieve goals that I start…

Stress & Anxiety

I’ve never really thought of myself as someone who deals with a lot of anxiety, and when you look up the symptoms of it, for sure I don’t experience the worst of such a disorder (is that even the right word?). However, after a friend shared a post about living with anxiety a while ago,…

Self compassion

I’m not particularly good at saying no. To say no inevitably means letting someone down, or disappointing them, and I guess I’m probably a bit of a people pleaser, so I say yes, even when I don’t want to. Life gets busy and complicated at times though, and to save our sanity, we have to…

Self-care and the C word….

‘Self-care’ is such a buzz phrase these days, it’s almost become an eye-rolling event to dare to use it.  Yet, use it I shall.  I think life has become so busy for most of us now, they’re like dirty words you use to tell people that actually Janet, I need to take some time out…

Living la vida debt-free

I’ve finally done it.  I’ve paid off all my credit cards.  It’s a goal i’ve had for about 3 years, and though I virtually thought about it everyday and willed this moment to come, I can’t really believe it has.  I made the final payment at the end of June when I was paid, then…

Back to the grind…

I’ve had a much needed break this last week, spending time with my pirate triathlon friends and supporting many of them as they took on the challenge of Ironman Lanzarote. It was a brutal day, and not everyone that crossed that start line managed to cross the finish line, but it’s not easy. If it…

Local tourist

Scotland is a beautiful country. I’m sorry to say there’s an awful lot of it that I’ve only seen on TV or in books & magazines. When I lived in Edinburgh I used to tell myself that I’d explore more of the country, and of course I could do so whenever I wanted because it…

100 Days

One hundred days always feels like a bit of a milestone.  Well, it does in my head at least.  It’s not often (read: ever) I reach such a significant number of consecutive days of something.  Unless that something is “number of days I attempt to restart x habit”, in which case i’m probably a record-holder…