Returning to normality…?

It’s been a good long while since I last posted on here, about 18 months in fact. While we’re coming out the other side of the global Covid pandemic, it’s not over yet and I guess we’ll never be fully shot of it. I succumbed in February, after being so careful for two years, but…

Another trip around the sun

Tomorrow I turn 45 years old. This one has snuck up on me in a way, and as much I was focusing on this birthday as a goal to aim for in terms of getting fitter and healthier, I don’t think the actual age sunk in. I mean what the actual fuck? How did that…

Livin’ la vida lockdown

It’s been some time since i’ve written a post.  In fact this is the first one this year.  2020 started off really well, and happily included a fabulous trip to New Zealand to see my wonder pal Jackie and her family.  It was an amazing trip, full of happy memories and good times, and I…

Self compassion

I’m not particularly good at saying no. To say no inevitably means letting someone down, or disappointing them, and I guess I’m probably a bit of a people pleaser, so I say yes, even when I don’t want to. Life gets busy and complicated at times though, and to save our sanity, we have to…