Time marches on

Growing old is without doubt a privilege, but as they say in my beautiful homeland, ‘age disnae come itsel!’. I’ve come to accept the fact that perimenopause symptoms are kicking my arse, and upon reflection, they have been for some time. When lockdown happened in 2020, the novelty of it all meant all manner of…

Third Quarter Update

Exercise It’s been nearly 2 months since my last update, so I thought i’d add a little update on what’s been going on. I’ve been practicing swimming technique in the pool, ahead of my Coniston swimming challenge next year and it’s going well so far. I’ve still got a long way to go, but thankfully…

A little challenge….

It’s been a long time since I’ve set myself and completed any kind of physical challenge. Mainly because I’m not fit enough and weigh about twice what I should (well, almost). I was supposed to take part in a triathlon relay at Outlaw this year, with me doing the swim and two other Pirates mates…

Goodbye July

Well July went by in a flash, but was nicely finished off with a weekend in Nottingham with the Pirates for the Outlaw full distance triathlon. We had about 11 teams competing in the relay, and I helped Persil manage one of the bike feed stations which was an amazing success, mostly due to everyone…

So far so good

July is upon us. June went in quickly, as has every month this year, perhaps because it was a busy one. The biggest win in the month was that I finally qualified as a remedial and sports massage therapist which I’m really chuffed about. I have a couple of clients lined up this week which…

Another year bites the dust

Don’t worry, it’s not New Year’s Eve again, but it has been a whole year (almost) since my last post and since the last time I vowed to look after myself better. I blinked and a year has passed and while lots of positive things have happened, time and hormones have taken their toll and…

Returning to normality…?

It’s been a good long while since I last posted on here, about 18 months in fact. While we’re coming out the other side of the global Covid pandemic, it’s not over yet and I guess we’ll never be fully shot of it. I succumbed in February, after being so careful for two years, but…

Another trip around the sun

Tomorrow I turn 45 years old. This one has snuck up on me in a way, and as much I was focusing on this birthday as a goal to aim for in terms of getting fitter and healthier, I don’t think the actual age sunk in. I mean what the actual fuck? How did that…


Apparently it takes 21 days to build a habit, and 90 days to build a lifestyle. At least that’s one version of habit building, but whatever the true answer is – and I suspect there is no one single point of truth here – I know one thing for sure, consistency is key. So today…